
Ghost fishing, a major problem for marine life

Bio-Degradable Materials Fishing Nets Ghost Fishing

Ghost fishing, a major problem for marine life

‘Ghost Fishing’ is what fishing gear, mainly nets, lines, crab/shrimp pots, does when it has been abandoned in the ocean. Acting as designed, these nets or traps entangle fish, dolphins, sea turtles, seabirds and various other marine animals, limiting their movement and causing a vicious circle of death.

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Package free shopping

Ban Plastic Bags Cotton Muslin Bags Package Free Shopping Reusable Bags

Package free shopping

Over the years plastic has not only had an impact on the way we carry our shopping from the supermarket to our home through the use of plastic bags, but it has also impacted the way our food is presented to us.

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The sustainability of Steel

Ecological Damage Recycle Reusable Metal Steel Straw Reuseable Straw Sustainability Sustainability of Steel Sustainable Material

The sustainability of Steel

According to the Colling Dictionary the definition that can be given of ‘Sustainability’ when talking about ecology is “The ability to be maintained at a steady level without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage”

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Cut down on waste when dining out

Eco Friendly Restaurant Food Waste Plastic Pollution Reusable Metal Steel Straw Reuseable Straw Sustainable Lifestyle

Cut down on waste when dining out

Are you trying to lead a more sustainable lifestyle? Are you trying your best to cut down on waste and eliminate the use of plastic and single-use items? Great job… but how good are you at maintaining those good intentions when you’re out of the comfort of your own home? Specifically, how do you avoid waste when dining out?

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How much is our smile costing the planet?

Bamboo Toothbrush Eco Friendly Toothbrush Plastic Pollution Toothbrush Pollution

How much is our smile costing the planet?

One of the first things you touch in the morning, and also one of the last things you touch before you go to bed, is your toothbrush

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